How can I help You?
There is no IT problem in this world that I cannot help you to solve
Check it out
License management
You have a license management problem? Make your problem to mine. Thats why I’m here.
IT Controlling
You need IT cost transparency? Are you planning an in- or outsourcing? Do you need a service catalog? Then call me. quick.
Service Development
You want to develop an IT service? Your service managers and architects are currently busy with other projetcs? I create your service concepts and monitor the service implementation
Process management
You want to optimize your processes? You need transparency about your processes? I’ll help you to document your process landscape and point out the optimization potential.
IT consulting
40 years of IT knowledge are available on your call. With preferential conditions for young companies.
You need a platform for collaboration with your team or your small company?Very quickly? It’s possible, faster and cheaper than you think.
Audit defense
Regardless of whether an audit is pending or you are expecting one, I’ll assist you in al phases of the audit.
Take action before you only can react.
SAM implementation
You are planning to implement a license management? I’ll provide you with the concepts and accompany you on the way to a successful license management.
Self assessment
You want to how reliable your license management is, which topics you have already mastered very well, and where still is a need for development? A small assessment leads to clarity and can initiate the next development step.
Individual advice
You need consulting for a very specific license management problem. Ask me. I am happy to help you, as well as your license management team to solve this.
IT Controlling
Having transparency about your IT costs is most important for your organization
IT service catalog
You want to charge your service costs internally or externally? I’ll show you how it works simply and yet precisely.
IT Carve-In or Carve-Out
I can’t manage this for you, but I may help you to evaluate these critical issues correctly:
Keep your costs under control
Cost optimizations
I determine and analyze your external and internal IT costs. Based on this, you will receive actionable suggestions for optimization.
IT service development
Having mastered the technical core functionality is only the first step in the development of a service. It follows a series of less technical tasks that have to be done so that in the end a functioning and successful working service is created.
I will create the concepts for you, matching your boundary conditions, you will receive a service which sattisfies your customers.
Process management
Do you know your processes? Do you have a process map and do you know the details of these processes? Very good. Then your know-how is assured, you are always able to find ways to optimize yourself and you don’t need me.
If that’s not the case yet, I’ll be happy to help you get this far.

IT Consulting
I’ve been working in IT since more than 40 years and have done almost everything, which can be done in IT. You can call up these experiences. Cheaper than you think, because for me as a prospective retiree, the focus is no longer the money, my focus is the interesting task
One mail can change everythingNextcloud
Collaboration at its finest
Unbelievable but true: Nextcloud is a complete collaboration platform based on open source . You can read how I do this privately in my blog. I would be happy to show you how this can be done professionally.
What war the main features of Nextcloud?
– File sharing with clients for practically all relevant operating systems
– Mail, calendar and contact functions
– Online Office (Libre Office)
– Video conferencing
– Application sharing
Interested? You are welcome to get an impression with a test account on my private cloud (user: Testuser, password NextCloud1$).

Uwe Sprenger
More than 4 decades of IT knowledge
are waiting for you
There is almost nothing in the IT that I haven’t already done successfully. Be it the award-winning introduction of license management, be it the international operation of IT systems of all kinds, be it international IT due diligences for the preparation and follow-up of carve-ins or carve-outs.
Of course, everything related to it like Process management, service management, service catalogs.
I want to empower you and your team to handle the issues.
I am happy to support startups with special conditions.

The latest from UweS Blog
Every now and then I get overwhelmed and I write on my blog on certain topics.
Take a look around.
Unfortunately not yet translated
Von Scheingrenzen – Nur ein Rätsel?
Dieser Beitrag handelt von Scheingrenzen. Sie wissen nicht was das ist? Dann schauen Sie sich einmal dieses Rätsel an. 90% oder mehr können dieses Rätsel nicht lösen, wenn sie das erste mal damit konfrontiert werden.
Read moreDie eigene Cloud – mit Nextcloud
Eine eigene Cloud mal schnell selber bauen, für nicht viel Geld und ohne viel “Frickelei”. Dann schaut euch mal an, wie UweS das gemacht hat! Und wie schnell das geht!
Read moreWordPress auf der WD MyCloud Ex2
Wie versprochen habe ich mich jetzt mal darum gekümmert, mein WordPress Blog, also genau das hier, auf der WD MyCloud Ex2 ins laufen zu bringen. Eines vorweg: Es geht wirklich, aber es ist mit Haken und Ösen verbunden. Doch eins nach dem anderen: Packt euer Werkzeug aus, und los gehts.
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